Event on 2016-11-16 22:20:00
Current Updates; NODAPL SACRAMENTO and CAPSITY is hosting a NYE Solidarity Party in the name of STANDING ROCK. Tickets are in the above section, purchase yours today and RSVP for the party before the space fills up!

Hello y'all, thank you so much for donating to demand justice. We are in solidarity with thousands of First Nation Peoples and Billions of people across the world resisting choices not representing the public. The Dakota Access Pipeline, Oceti Sakowin prayer gatherings, and mass bank divestment, are microcosms of systemic corruption. This stand for indigenous justice echos many other stands for justice, human rights violations whether it be chemically infused freezing water from a water cannon or a conviction less homicide from a fire arm. Black Lives Matter.


These systemic issues effect the entirety of the planet, please understand donating what you think you can afford isn’t enough anymore. We must rise up and answer those that have committed their immediate existence to change, remember, we all feel the momentum, now we must act.

We have an opportunity to show how Sacramento stands with Standing Rock, we are dedicated to adverting any further construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline; or any other pipeline for that matter, we see you Texas. Please Share This if you or anyone you know is willing to travel to Support the Future of fresh water and the well-being of the Earth! We will only be able to take those whom are openly willing to practice radical self-inclusion and radical listening, these are not request as much as initial initiation to the cultural space. So, please if you want to use your body in support bring your friends, AS A REQUIREMENT NATIVE FRIENDS FIRST PLEASE!

It is an extremely cold winter in North Dakota. Period.

The water protectors are going to sleep cold and waking up cold, we know this! The current direction at hand is fundraising, this moment fundraising to provide basic survival requirements; medical supplies, extreme cold weather living structures, in state fire wood. The team orchestrating this symphony of ride shares and money delegations are a delegation comprised of concerned community champions. We decided that If veterans can raise a million dollars so can we, the community of Sacramento! Sí se puede! Sí se puede! Sí se puede!

We have meeting every two weeks in the midtown area of Sacramento. Like the NoDAPL Sacramento Facebook page to follow the status of Standing Rock, and send a message to the page we will get in contact with you!

Mni Wiconi

at Capsity Offices at The Parks
2957 Third Avenue
Sacramento, United States