Amateur Athletes Seek Non-Opioid Pain Relief


Five words or less(NewsUSA) – They may not make those “Agony of Defeat” sports reels, but amateur athletes get injured all the time. Maybe it’s from an awkward golf swing. Or maybe it’s from not warming up or stretching before an event. Whatever the cause, though, there’s one scary thing they have in common with the pros. “The reality is that all athletes are one fall, twist, or tweak away from landing their own opioid prescription,” Outside magazine warned. The warning couldn’t be better timed. It’s not just that the country is in the midst of an opioid crisis that’s claimed the lives of thousands of prescription painkiller abusers and left countless more addicted to the likes of OxyContin. It’s also that — as the magazine also noted — physicians seem to be starting to heed last year’s urging by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to dramatically curtail prescribing the drugs. According to a survey conducted for the Boston Globe by the SERMO physicians social network, more than half of doctors across America are doing exactly that, and nearly one in 10 have completely stopped prescribing them. So what’s an amateur athlete suffering from pain supposed to do? One especially popular alternative is drug-free chiropractic care. Whereas opioids (and Ibuprofen forms of over-the-counter drugs) only “mask” the pain, doctors of chiropractic approach the problem highly educated and trained in the structure and function of the human body. And they use hands-on techniques to help enhance flexibility, muscle strength, and range of motion -; the very things all athletes need addressing. And yes, as the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress’ Dr. Sherry McAllister says, chiropractic is covered by most insurance and health plans. To locate a nearby doctor of chiropractic,visit
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