40th Annual July 4th Scripps Ranch 10K and Fun Run


40th Annual July 4th Scripps Ranch 10K and Fun Run
Event on 2017-07-04 00:00:00

Presented by The Scripps Ranch Old Pros.  Dedicated to the memory of Ron McElliott.

The 10K race features a fast USATF sanctioned course that embraces cool Lake Miramar.  A dramatic downhill finish lures the top regional triathletes and runners.

The two mile fun run is a community favorite! Participants join the 10K runners at the finish line, where at 10:00 they can watch the Scripps Ranch Parade.

Register now for the 39rd Annual Scripps Ranch 10K and Fun Run!Event details and schedule


The primary parking lot is the Vons Shopping Center on the corner of Scripps Ranch Blvd. and Aviary Dr. Shuttle vans will transport participants from this lot to the start area between 6:00am-6:50am. Due to the ever increasing popularity of this event you are encouraged to arrive at the parking lot no later than 6:30am to ensure that you will be ready to start when the gun fires at 7:00am.

Overflow parking is available on Meanley Dr. and Hoyt Park Dr. We have permission to use the parking lots for the CoreLogic building located at 10277 Scripps Ranch Blvd conveniently located between Meanley and Hoyt Park Dr. and also further up Meanley or Hoyt Park Dr. in the PayChex parking lot located at 10150 Meanley Dr. We will have shuttles waiting at the intersection of Meanley and Hoyt Park Dr. to take you to the start line. This overflow parking is easily accessed after the race from the Hoyt Park finish line by walking down Canyon Lake Drive to the cul-de-sac and taking a short trail back to Hoyt Park Dr.


The Check-in tables open at 6:00am and are are located at the intersection of Aviary and Red Cedar Drive.

Start Line

The 10K Race starts at 7:00am on July 4th. The Fun Run starts at 7:07am on July 4th.
The Start Line is in front of Miramar Ranch Elementary School on Red Cedar Drive.
10K Runners will make a full lap around Miramar Lake. We’ll call out your times at the 1 mile, 2 mile, 5K, and 5 mile marks. Aid stations are at the 2 and 4 mile mar

Finish Line

The 10K Race finishes on the grass at Hoyt Park. Please follow the directions provided by the finish line personnel.
The Fun Run finishes on Canyon Lake Drive adjacent to Hoyt Park.

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