2017 CRISPR Workshop: Practical Aspects of Precision Biology


2017 CRISPR Workshop: Practical Aspects of Precision Biology
Event on 2017-07-10 00:00:00
Event Name: 2017 CRISPR Workshop: Practical Aspects of Precision Biology
Event Date(s): Monday, July 10, 2017 to Friday, July 14, 2017
Event Location: TBA, Berkeley, California, U.S.A.
Cost: N/A
Description: This 1-week workshop at UC Berkeley will focus on applications of CRISPR technology as a platform for genome editing and functional genomics. The program will consist of lectures from experts in the field and a hands-on laboratory experience demonstrating targeted mutagenesis in cultured human cells using the Cas9:gRNA ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complex.

RNP editing is rapidly becoming the preferred approach amongst prominent gene editors because it allows for higher rates of gene replacement via HDR and fewer off-target effects. Workshop participants will learn the technique and bring their knowledge back to their home institutions.

A bioinformatics practical session will introduce tools for guide RNA design and the analysis of multiplexed genetic screens.

Workshop faculty will address topics in genome editing and CRISPR-Cas9 research, including basic and enhanced CRISPR methods, cellular repair mechanisms, regulation of gene expression, bioinformatics, applications to various organisms, and bioethics.


Our expert speakers will deliver exciting lectures on the mechanisms, applications, ethics, and future of genetic engineering technology, focused specifically on CRISPR-based methodologies.

History, mechanisms, methods:

Jennifer Doudna (UC Berkeley) | CRISPR basics
Dana Carroll (U of Utah) | Genome editing background, off-target effects, delivery
Luke Gilbert (UCSF) | dCas9, high-throughput screens, imaging
Mike Bassik (Stanford) | Multiplexed screening
Jennifer Listgarten (Microsoft Research) | Bioinformatics, gRNA design

CRISPR applications:

Dirk Hockemeyer (UC Berkeley) | Human stem cells
Lin He (UC Berkeley) | Mice
Joanna Yeh (Harvard) | Zebrafish
Ethan Bier (UCSD) | Gene drives
Don Kohn (UCLA) | Human therapeutics

Regulatory and ethical considerations:

Hank Greely (Stanford) | Ethical and societal issues
Richard Hynes (MIT) | NAS report on genome editing bioethics


Participants will learn all the practical techniques needed to use genome editing as a powerful research tool:

• Design guide RNAs to efficiently target gene of interest while minimizing off-target events
• Purify gRNAs and assemble with Cas9 to form an RNP
• Nucleofect Cas9:gRNA RNP into cultured human cells
• Extract genomic DNA and quantify genome editing efficiency
• Interpret data from hands-on editing project and hypothetical CRISPR screens
Sponsor: N/A
Host Company: N/A
Contact Information: Phone: N/A
Fax: N/A
Email: [email protected]
More Information: http://innovativegenomics.org/events/2017-crispr-workshop

at University of California, Berkeley
110 Sproul Hall
Berkeley, United States